Blanar: Supplies of Russian Gas to Slovakia Restored, Despite EC's Inaction

včera 17:00
Bratislava, September 11 (TASR) - The supplies of Russian oil via the Druzhba pipeline to Slovakia have been secured, but not thanks to the European Commission, which has failed to act and done nothing but stalled for time but thanks to Hungary, Foreign and European Affairs Minister Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD) declared on Wednesday. "Despite the violations of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, the European Commission has not helped to find a solution or aid the people of Slovakia and Hungary," noted Blanar. Blanar stated that Slovakia didn't wait for the European Commission but searched elsewhere for a solution to ensure the continuation of oil supplies. "After the Ukrainian side put also the Lukoil-owned oil transit on the sanction list, Slovakia and Hungary had those supplies suspended. But then an agreement was concluded between Hungary's MOL company, of which Slovnaft oil refinery is a member, the oil suppliers and pipeline operators. MOL will thus become the oil owner at the Belarus-Ukrainian border and the Russian oil will continue to flow to us, which is good news for Slovak motorists and the entire economy. I'd like to thank Hungary for the cooperation," said Blanar. The minister voiced his happiness over the fact that Ukraine has accepted this technical solution, which ensured the continuation of oil supplies via the Druzhba pipeline for both Hungary, Slovakia and their "people at the same price and quality". mf
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