Simecka: Coalition Dealing with Personal Vendetta Instead of Problems

12. septembra 2024 12:18
Bratislava, September 12 (TASR) - The coalition, instead of dealing with actual problems, is dealing with a personal vendetta, said Progressive Slovakia (PS) leader Michal Simecka in a debate during a special House session aimed at ousting him as House vice-chair. "I am amazed that you, the coalition and the prime minister, are even coming up with this because you are harming yourselves. You are showing all voters, including your supporters, that you don't give a damn about their problems. You don't care about them. You are only dealing with personal revenge. You are engaging in politicking when the state is slowly crumbling," remarked Simecka. Simecka identified Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) as the initiator of the motion to dismiss him. "After 4,600 days on which the Smer-SD party and the prime minister have been in power, Slovakia has the fourth-lowest standard of living in the entire European Union," he pointed out, adding that almost a million people in Slovakia are at risk of poverty. "Instead, we'll waste time here debating some grants, calls and my family," he added. The PS leader once again rejected the coalition's arguments in favour of his dismissal, condemning attacks on his family in connection with drawing state subsidies. He also called himself a House vice-chair who's always been fair. "I've never used the position to harm the coalition or to help the opposition," he stated, declaring that he'll continue his political opposition work regardless of the outcome of the vote on his dismissal. Moreover, he said that he wants to defeat Smer-SD in the next general election. "Prime Minister, I am the one who will defeat you in an election," he stressed. zel/df
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