Danko Welcomes Coalition's Unity Regarding Simecka's Ouster

12. septembra 2024 16:39
Bratislava, September 12 (TASR) - Lawmakers of coalition's SNS party hope that Parliament will oust opposition's House Vice-chair Michal Simecka (PS), SNS leader and House Vice-chair Andrej Danko declared on Thursday. In Danko's view, Simecka must have his tenure terminated over suspicions regarding the drawing of state subsidies by his relatives. Danko praised the unified stance of the coalition in the matter. "I'd like to appreciate the fact that we've had a unified stance thus far. Even though Voice-SD engaged in its classic pussyfooting in terms of communication, at the end of the day Voice-SD is joining in for the ouster," Danko claimed at a press conference on Thursday. Danko reiterated reasons why he believes that Simecka must be dismissed. "I'm under impression that Simecka doesn't even understand suspicions concerning the drawing of money from the Art Support Fund (FPU) and how he has failed as the House Vice-chair," averred Danko. He believes that lawmakers of the opposition PS were carrying out a purpose-built filibuster during the deliberations on the FPU Act, so as to stall for time and make sure that people close to Simecka will receive subsidies. The SNS head also claimed that he would support Frantisek Miklosko's (KDH) nomination for Simecka's current House Vice-chair post. "I trust that on Tuesday, at 11 a.m., Mr. Simecka will hand over his office to Mr. Miklosko," he said. mf/mcs
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