Sutaj Estok: Security and Rescue Forces in Full Deployment, Soldiers Helping too

15. septembra 2024 15:37
(TA3, 'V politike', September 15) The most critical situation related to adverse weather is currently in Zahorie area, Interior Minister (Voice-SD) said on TA3's discussion programme 'V politike' (In Politics) on Sunday, adding that the security and rescue forces are in full deployment, with some 100 soldiers helping to handle the situation as well. "The situation became critical during the night from Saturday (September 14) to Sunday. We are primarily talking about the Zahorie area, the village of Kuchyna, the town of Stupava (both Bratislava region) and flood areas in Bratislava," said Sutaj Estok. According to the interior minister, the situation is currently under control. He pointed to the fact that the state acted in a timely manner, taking necessary measures soon enough. "Thanks to the forecasts, we were able to have all the manpower at critical places that face the biggest problems today," he said. The equipment has been concentrated in the Zahorie area, where the situation is the worst, stated Sutaj Estok. He mentioned several traffic restrictions that are in place in Bratislava, appealing for caution when driving. Fire and Rescue Corps (HaZZ) President Adrian Mifkovic said that professional firefighters had over 270 callouts and voluntary firefighters over 140 callouts since Saturday. "We're momentarily helping in the whole Bratislava and Trnava regions," he said. Police officers have been deployed as well, helping with the removal of damages, managing traffic and evacuation of people in some areas. Police Corps president Lubomir Solak said that they are monitoring the situation chiefly in Bratislava, Trnava, Trencin and Zilina regions. ko
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