MP Martina Holeckova Leaves KDH

včera 11:01
Bratislava, September 16 (TASR) - MP Martina Holeckova is leaving the Christian Democratic Movement (KDH), TASR learnt from Holeckova's social network post on Monday. According to her post, Holeckova can no longer be part of a political party that carries out steps that she fails to understand, and she can no longer "genuinely and honourably promote interests" that she doesn't espouse. Holeckova will inform the public about her political future within the following weeks. "I joined KDH at a time when its leadership knew clearly what it wanted to achieve, knew whom the party stood against and who were its potential partners. I dedicated more than eight years to working for KDH, and I believed in our fight for a better Slovakia, but this is no longer possible," posted Holeckova, who thanked the Christian Democrats for their cooperation and longstanding support. "Our views on fundamental issues of consequence started to diverge, however." Holeckova pointed out that she's received nothing but criticism and accusations of individualism for several of her steps, such as when she draw attention to the non-transparent spending of taxpayer's money on St. Cyril and St. Methodius-themed celebrations as well as when she proposed restricting the power of the Justice Minister to release convicts from jail by having such decisions mandatorily examined by courts. "My aim has never been to damage KDH or break its unity, which is why after long consideration I've decided to end my involvement with KDH and so enable it in unity to promote the policies and strategy in which it believes," she stated. Holeckova added that she has tried to come up with solutions to issues that voters are really interested in and which KDH pledged to address during its parliamentary election campaign. "I wish the party and its representatives a lot of prudent moves and foresight in the future," she added. Holeckova was elected as a legislator in the 2023 parliamentary election, and she chaired the KDH caucus until June, when she was replaced by Igor Janckulik. mf/df
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