KDH Respects Holeckova's Decision to Leave

včera 13:52
Bratislava, September 16 (TASR) - The opposition Christian Democrats (KDH) respect the decision of MP Martina Holeckova to leave their party, which is her free choice, thanking her for the time she spent in their ranks, TASR learnt from KDH spokesperson Lenka Kovar on Monday. "In terms of its values, KDH is a clear-cut conservative party that has been promoting tried and true values for 34 years without a change. We promote the protection of the dignity of every person, from the moment of their conception until their natural death, and the aid for the weak. We fight resolutely against corruption, dangerous ideologies that endanger democracy and defend the sovereignty of Slovakia value-wise at home as well as in Brussels. If Ms. Holeckova is not espousing these values of Christian democracy, then we understand her decision to leave KDH," reads the party's statement. KDH pointed out that Holeckova acquired her MP's mandate from voters who subscribe to the values of Christian democracy, which is why they hope she will use it responsibly. "We wish her all the best in her future endeavours and trust that each of us can contribute towards a better Slovakia, even though our paths have diverged," reads the text. Earlier in the day, Holeckova announced her decision to leave KDH. She explained that she can no longer be affiliated with a party that carries out steps that she fails to understand, and she can no longer "genuinely and honourably promote interests" that she doesn't espouse. She will inform the public about her political future within the following weeks. mf/df
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