KDH Urges Government to Allow Real Experts to Aid General Fix of Penal Code

včera 14:28
Bratislava, September 16 (TASR) - The opposition Christian Democrats (KDH) are calling on the government to enable a general fix of the Penal Code in cooperation with real experts, as KDH considers the fact that the recently amended Penal Code will need to be revised again based on objections from the European Commission a scandal and embarrassment inflicted on Slovakia by its government, party spokesperson Lenka Kovar told TASR on Monday. KDH responded in this way to last week's announcement by Vice-premier Peter Kmec (Voice-SD) that the European Commission harbours several objections regarding the Penal Code amendments. "Criminal law, including the sentencing structure and statues of limitations are an internal affair of every sovereign EU-member state. The current government, however, has managed to wreck even these fundamental principles of the rule of law in such a way that the European Commission has had to intervene in the matter with an eye towards protecting the EU's financial interests. Slovakia and its people face the risk of grave financial damages as a result," said party chair Milan Majersky. In KDH's view, the amended Penal Code should be fixed via a proper legislative process, which would involve comments from respected criminal law experts. KDH will propose making part of an essential revision not only issues related to protecting the EU's financial interests but also protecting the financial interests of the Slovak people. mf/df
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