Bratislava: Rain and Flood Situation Critical, Evacuations Begin

včera 14:57
Bratislava, September 16 (TASR) - The situation in Bratislava caused by adverse weather remains serious, with the borough of Devinska Nova Ves most critical, where the evacuation of inhabitants of several streets has been launched, TASR was told by Bratislava spokesperson Peter Bubla on Monday. The clearing of storms' aftermath, including thousands of toppled and broken trees as well as damaged overhead tram and trolleybus lines continues across the capital city. "The damage is extensive and it's not possible to remove all debris at once," added Bubla. Bubla warned that many trees might have their roots waterlogged and can be torn down later by even lighter winds as a result. He urged Bratislava inhabitants to minimize their movement in the city and expect traffic restrictions. The local authorities called on inhabitants to stay away from public parks and city forests in particular, which are not safe at the moment, as hundreds of trees have fallen down, several foot bridges have been torn away and many areas are flooded. "It's necessary to keep in mind that this situation will persist even after the rains stop for some time, as there will still be the risk of waterlogged trees falling down," warned Bubla. mf
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