BRIEF: Danube Level Expected to peak at around 950 Centimetres on Tuesday

včera 17:59
Bratislava, September 16 (TASR) - The level of the Danube River in Bratislava is expected to peak at around 950 centimetres in the morning hours of Tuesday (September 17), and precipitation in Slovakia is expected to cease during Monday night, hydrologist Peter Smrtnik and meteorologist Andrej Kozak told a press conference on Monday, adding that they expect the hydrological situation to calm down. According to the hydrologist, the Danube wave will move down to the Slovak middle and lower stretches of the Danube. SHMU expects the Danube to peak in Sturovo (Nitra region) on the night from Wednesday (September 18) to Thursday (September 19). According to him, the estimated peak in the Bratislava borough of Devin is expected to occur when the level of 900 centimetres is exceeded. Meanwhile, Kozak stated that it is currently cloudy throughout Slovakia, but compact precipitation is already ceasing, or occurring only locally. "We still have some showers in Banska Bystrica region, in the Spis area, but these are not critical locations," he noted. According to SHMU, the situation remains complicated in the Morava basin - in the Zahorie area, where smaller tributaries from the Little Carpathians mountain range are flowing in. The institute explained that the Morava's level in the profiles in the upper section is continuing to rise slightly, and downstream the rise is significant. Its level is rising in the section above the confluence with the Danube, with the Bratislava boroughs of Devin and Devinska Nova Ves being particularly at risk. am/mcs
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