Vallo, Droba and Viskupic Praise Cooperation with State in Addressing Floods

včera 20:23
Bratislava, September 16 (TASR) - Representatives of local authorities praised the cooperation with the state as well as between all deployed forces in dealing with the consequences of bad weather and floods, with Bratislava mayor Matus Vallo, Bratislava region head Juraj Droba and Trnava region governor Jozef Viskupic also praising Prime Minister Robert Fico's (Smer-SD) promise to help with the financial compensation. "I appreciate the fact that when it comes to the protection of property and especially lives, we're able to cooperate fantastically with the state, which is what has happened these days," said Vallo following the government meeting. "Bratislava is not out of the woods yet, the water will peak at about 950 centimetres during this night. I'm very confident that we'll be able to cope with it," he added. Droba stated that within Bratislava self-governing region the most affected area is Zahorie in Malacky district. The region will gradually help the municipalities to deal with the consequences. Bratislava region will restore two castle parks in Stupava and Malinovo and will also deal with damaged school buildings in Bratislava and its surroundings. am/mcs
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