Spisska Nova Ves: Construction of New Pavilion Has Started on Hospital Premises

včera 20:38
Spisska Nova Ves, September 16 (TASR) - The construction of a new three-storey pavilion of the hospital in Spisska Nova Ves (Kosice region) has been officially launched on Monday with Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova (Voice-SD) in attendance, TASR learnt on Monday. The construction will take place simultaneously with the reconstruction of the existing building. Hospital director Renata Sulakova said on this occasion that the staff is facing a very difficult period, as the work will be carried out with the hospital fully operational. "But it is a festive day for us and the beginning of a new stage. The hospital will be focused on acute and intensive care after completion," pointed out the director, adding that within the hospital network optimisation, the hospital in Spisska Nova Ves is classified in the second category. "It's important that we also build and reconstruct hospitals in the regions. Renovation work in the original building must be completed by the end of June 2026, so that we meet the Recovery and Resilience Plan milestone. The new pavilion will be ready by the end of 2028, when the hospitals in Martin [Zilina region] and Banska Bystrica are also due to be completed. This has been communicated to the European Commission, the two-year delay for the construction of a completely new hospital is absolutely fine," stated Dolinkova. The Health Ministry has allocated €48 million including VAT for the project of the new hospital in Spisska Nova Ves. The total amount, including the costs of other induced investments, comprehensive medical equipment and external modifications, will reach €72 million, including VAT. The difference of almost €24 million, including VAT will be financed from private funds of the Penta Hospitals Slovakia network. am/mcs
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