Smer-SD Insists on Reasons for Simecka's Dismissal from House Vice-chair Post

17. septembra 2024 12:20
Bratislava, September 17 (TASR) - MPs for the governing Smer-SD party insist that Progressive Slovakia (PS) chairman Michal Simecka should be removed from the House vice-chair post, and the whole Smer-SD caucus will vote for his dismissal, caucus head Jan Richter told a news conference on Tuesday, adding that he believes that the governing coalition will proceed in a united manner in this. According to Richter, the parliamentary debate confirmed the reasons for Simecka's dismissal, with several speakers specifying non-transparent procedures in the provision of certain subsidies. "The reasons are serious, they haven't been explained at all, quite the opposite - suspicions have been further strengthened," added House Vice-chair Tibor Gaspar (Smer-SD). Gaspar admitted that technical problems with holding parliamentary sessions might occur after Simecka's dismissal. In addition to Simecka and Gaspar, only Peter Ziga and Andrej Danko (Slovak National Party/SNS) are left in Parliament's leadership. Gaspar reiterated that one House vice-chair post belongs to the opposition, so the coalition expects PS to come up with a proposal for a replacement after Simecka's dismissal. Parliament is due to vote on Simecka's dismissal later on Tuesday. A special session on this issue, initiated by Smer-SD and SNS MPs, was held last Thursday (September 12). The main stated reasons for the move is the use of state subsidies by people close to the PS chief and suspicions of manipulation in the allocation of subsidies. Simecka has rejected the criticism, viewing the proposal as revenge for his carrying out his opposition job well. MPs for the opposition PS, Freedom and Solidarity (SaS), Christian Democrats (KDH) and 'Slovakia' parties have already said they won't take part in the vote. Meanwhile, MPs for the governing Voice-SD should vote for Simecka's dismissal. ko/df
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