House: MPs Voting on Simecka's Dismissal in Secret Ballot

17. septembra 2024 12:26
Bratislava, September 17 (TASR) - A secret ballot on opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) leader Michal Simecka's dismissal from the House vice-chair post started in Parliament on Tuesday morning. A special session on Simecka's dismissal, initiated by Smer-SD and SNS MPs, was held last Thursday (September 12). The main stated reasons for the move is the use of state subsidies by people close to the PS chief and suspicions of manipulation in the allocation of subsidies. Simecka has rejected the criticism, viewing the proposal as revenge for his carrying out his opposition job well. MPs for the opposition PS, Freedom and Solidarity (SaS), Christian Democrats (KDH) and 'Slovakia' parties have said they won't take part in the vote. Meanwhile, MPs for the governing Voice-SD should vote for Simecka's dismissal. MPs are also voting on the head of the special parliamentary committee for the supervision of the Slovak Intelligence Service (SIS) on Tuesday. Maria Kolikova (SaS), dismissed from the post by Parliament in June, is re-running for the post. Samuel Migal (Voice-SD) is running for the post as well. He said that he's only doing so to make the committee functional again. After his potential election, he wants to task an opposition MP with heading the committee. ko/df
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