SNS Hopes Some Voice-SD MPs Didn't Plan to Break Unity of Coalition

17. septembra 2024 18:56
Bratislava, September 17 (TASR) - Coalition's Slovak National Party (SNS) voiced regret over the fact that three lawmakers of the coalition Voice-SD party didn't take part in the ouster of opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) leader Michal Simecka from the post of House Vice-chair on Tuesday. SNS hopes that this was a one-time occurrence and that its aim wasn't to break the unity of the coalition and the government. SNS also urged Voice-SD chair Matus Sutaj Estok to pass measures to prevent such occurrences from happening in the Voice-SD caucus in the future. SNS welcomes the fact that Parliament ousted Simecka. "At the same time, however, SNS voices regret over the fact that three lawmakers of the Voice-SD party didn't support the coalition," stated SNS spokesperson Zuzana Skopcova. Simecka was dismissed from the post of the House Vice-chair earlier in the day in a secret ballot by 76 lawmakers out of 77 present. The vote was boycotted by the oppostiion. After the vote, Voice-SD MPs Samuel Migal and Radomir Salitros publicly declared that they didn't take part in the vote, as they believe the vote has contributed towards the further polarisation of society. mf/mcs
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