KDH Lawmakers to Boycott Selection of STVR Council Members

17. septembra 2024 20:35
Bratislava, September 17 (TASR) - Lawmakers of the opposition KDH won't take part in the election of members of the Council of Slovak Television and Radio (STVR) in Parliament, as they consider the selection to be nothing but a farce with a predetermined result in favour of the governing coalition, member of the House Culture and Media Committee Jozef Hajko (KDH) said on Tuesday. "We have no reason to legitimise the creation of the STVR Council that has come into existence based on legislation we reject and which has been staffed in a purpose-built fashion with people beholden to the governing political parties," said Hajko. The lawmaker reiterated his criticism of the changes introduced to the public broadcaster and the appointment of the council members by Culture Minister Martina Simkovicova (SNS nominee). "The candidates to be STVR council members also include Culture Ministry state secretary Lukas Machala, who was elected even by his direct underlings in a purpose-built selection," he warned. Earlier in the day, the House Committee for Culture and Media discussed a list of candidates vying for five remaining vacant posts on the STVR Council and forwarded the list with 44 names to Parliament. The vote is slated to be held at the current parliamentary session in September. The STVR strike commission demands that the parliamentary vote be postponed, arguing that the process has been non-transparent and rife with conflict of interest, particularly by having Machala appointed to the council. mf/mcs
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