Vanco Wants MPs' Probe of Prosecutor-General's Office Over Scrapping of USP

včera 20:35
Bratislava, September 17 (TASR) - MP Branislav Vanco (PS) intends to initiate an MPs' probe of the Prosecutor-General's Office, as he wants Prosecutor-General Maros Zilinka to explain his decisions regarding the scrapping of the Special Prosecutor's Office (USP), TASR learnt on Tuesday. "It took five months but we finally managed to bring Prosecutor-General Maros Zilinka to a session of the House Constitutional Committee, so as to let him explain his decisions regarding the scrapping of the Special Prosecutor's Office. He hasn't convinced us of his good intentions, however, but on the contrary," claimed Vanco. In Vanco's view, Zilinka resorted to platitudes about professionalism and the needs of the prosecution service in his replies. "It even follows from his answers that he knowingly contributed to the vengeance and essential muzzling of former prosecutors of USP, who were prosecuting the biggest cases. Aside from that, the Prosecutor-General refused to release results of the inner audit that dealt with chaos during the moving and reassignment of files that had originally been under the remit of the former USP," claimed Vanco, adding that the public has a right to know this information. mf/mcs
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