ZMOS Sets Up Transparent Account to Help Flooded Towns and Villages

18. septembra 2024 11:11
Bratislava, September 18 (TASR) - The Slovak Towns and Villages Association (ZMOS) set up a transparent banking account of solidarity between local authorities, with financial resources due to be distributed between towns and villages hit by floods, TASR learnt from head of ZMOS office Zuzana Spacekova on Wednesday. Money can be donated by other towns, villages and regions, but also individuals. ZMOS President Jozef Bozik called on mayors to donate a symbolic sum of a cent per capita. "In case of a town with the population of 6,000 that makes €60, whereas in the case of a town of 20,000 it's €200. In addition, the ZMOS council decided to use money in the ZMOS budget to contribute on behalf of all member villages with populations under 500, which makes about €3,000. Hence, these small villages don't have to contribute, unless they decide otherwise," explained Bozik. Spacekova added that the money will be distributed by ZMOS collective body based on recommendations from heads of regional associations. mf
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