Danko: Health-care Sector Can Pull Down Slovak Economy Underwater

18. septembra 2024 17:25
Bratislava, September 18 (TASR) - Slovakia's economy may be dragged under water by the Health Ministry, Parliamentary Vice-Chair and Slovak National Party (SNS) leader Andrej Danko stated on Wednesday, adding that he wants to hear from his coalition partner, the Voice-SD party, how it is going to manage the sector, claiming that money gets lost in the health-care sector. "Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova [Voice-SD] needs to wake up very quickly, because during the time of Tomas Drucker [2016-2018] the budget was €4 billion, today the health-care sector doesn't have enough although being given €9 billion and tell me, if you are more satisfied in hospitals, if you see a better quality of health care, if you see the construction of hospitals," he noted. Danko described the Slovak health sector as a "lion's den". "Money is wasted, CT scans are contracted but the stated doesn't need them, private hospitals are built which don't have a systemic setup to the state ones," he pointed out, adding that he shares the reservations of the Slovak population. "The state is pouring money into the health sector, but we have to look at where it gets lost," he pointed out, appealing to the head of the Health Ministry to start "working hard". am/mcs
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