Blanar: Slovak and Ukrainian Cabinets Will Discuss Planned Projects at Meeting

18. septembra 2024 20:46
Bratislava, September 18 (TASR) - The governments of Slovakia and Ukraine will discuss the planned projects at their October meeting, Slovak Foreign Affairs Minister Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD) said following a meeting with Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha, expressing his hope that the projects will be able to move forward. "We're interested in taking a joint inventory of everything we've agreed in our joint document, the so-called road map," stated Blanar. In addition to this, they also debated, for example, the current situation in Ukraine. Blanar reiterated that the conflict, in his opinion, doesn't have a military solution and appealed for the need for peaceful solutions. "We agreed and the minister confirmed that the next peace talks must already be with the participation of the Russian Federation," he added. He also pledged that Slovakia will continue to support Ukraine's territorial integrity and provide humanitarian aid. The minister added that Slovakia wants to continue to help with mine clearing in Ukraine and to intensify the supply of electricity. Sybiha thanked Slovakia for its assistance and support. am
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