Dolinkova: Public Finances Consolidation Shouldn't Apply to Health Sector

19. septembra 2024 19:02
Bratislava, September 19 (TASR) - The consolidation of public finances shouldn't apply to Slovakia's already beleaguered health sector and the Health Ministry has been carrying out measures to streamline its management, Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova (Voice-SD) declared on Thursday. Dolinkova said this in response to a criticism from the opposition and the Slovak Nurses and Midwives Chamber over the fact that the consolidation measures are supposed to take almost €260 million away from the health care. "Personally, I think that the consolidation of public finances shouldn't even touch the health sector that's already beleaguered as it is. But no amount of grousing or bickering will help us get through this challenging period. It's necessary to join forces together, instead of engaging in politicking, particularly when all of us are aware that this problem hasn't just emerged today or a year ago," said Dolinkova. The opposition parties pointed out that the proposed consolidation might cause a collapse of health care and criticised the minister for not opposing the changes. According to the opposition, Slovakia thus runs a risk that its health personnel might leave abroad, while waiting times for treatments could become even longer and the financial burden for patients increase. mf
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