House: Friday's Session Opened by Prosecutor-General, Presenting Annual Report

20. septembra 2024 9:53
Bratislava, September 20 (TASR) - Friday's session of Parliament began with the speech of Prosecutor-General Maros Zilinka, who presented a report on the activities of the prosecutor's office in 2023, TASR learnt on the same day. Zilinka pointed out in the report that property crime had the highest share of criminal activity last year, in which there's a significantly increased trend of its perpetration in the virtual environment through computer networks, especially in the crime of fraud. According to the agenda, MPs are also set to discuss a report on the activities of the commissioner for disabled persons, a report assessing the implementation of the rules of budgetary responsibility and transparency, as well as a request from the Interior Ministry's Inspection Service Office for the director of the National Security Bureau to be exempted from the obligation of confidentiality. am
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