PM: Dolinkova Bears Responsibility for Health Sector, Must Come Up with Measures

20. septembra 2024 18:51
Bratislava, September 20 (TASR) - Health Minister Zuzana Dolinková (Voice-SD) bears full responsibility for the health sector and must come up with recovery measures, said Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD) on Friday, adding that he cannot imagine more money being 'poured' into the Slovak health-care system without them. Fico reacted in this way to the criticism of the proposed consolidation measures by health professionals. "I call on partners, trade unionists and others in hospitals to hold a normal constructive dialogue, rather than immediately banging on my door. There's the health minister there, so they have to come to an agreement with her. If the health minister fails, someone else will have to do it," stated Fico. According to the premier, Dolinkova must devote herself to this issue from morning to evening. He declared that he values ​​the work of health professionals, however, things must be solved through a normal social dialogue "and not by blackmailing each other, as blackmail is not a way to communicate". Fico pointed to the fact that in 2010 when he was the premier, the volume of money in the Slovak health-care sector was €4 billion, while currently it is €8.5 billion. "We are asking how long we will continue to pour money into the health sector if we still don't see any effect there," stated Fico. Consolidation measures in the health-care sector, presented by the government earlier this week, were criticised by representatives of hospitals, outpatient doctors and nurses. They warn that the measures will cause an outflow of experts and the collapse of the system and call on the government to abandon them. Health Minister Dolinkova in reaction to their criticism said that the consolidation of public finances shouldn't have concerned the health sector, which is under a lot of pressure already now. She declared that the ministry is taking measures to make the sector's management more efficient. ko/mcs
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