Unemployment in Slovakia Slightly Down to 3.87 Percent in August

20. septembra 2024 20:04
Bratislava, September 20 (TASR) - The main indicator of unemployment, the proportion of available job-seekers of productive age, decreased by 0.01 percent from July to stand at 3.87 percent in August 2024, the Labour, Social Affairs and the Family Centre (UPSVR) reported on Friday, adding that the year-on-year (y-o-y) drop was 0.13 p.p. "The number of disadvantaged job seekers fell by more than 1,500. This is positive news, as this year we launched several tools to support disadvantaged job seekers," said Labour Minister Erik Tomas (Voice-SD). Labour offices reported 134,534 disadvantaged job seekers in August, down 1,702 compared to July and 7,088 y-o-y. There were school graduates, long-term unemployed, people with disabilities and people over 50 years of age among disadvantaged job applicants. In August, 46,547 people older than 50 were registered at labour offices, which is the lowest figure seen 2000. There were 95,000 vacancies in total in Slovakia in August, which is 1,197 more than in July. The highest number of jobs was available in Bratislava region (38,779) and the lowest in Presov region (3,341). The number of job vacancies for school-leavers reached 45,279. The total number of registered job-seekers in Slovakia reached 167,345 in August, which is 1,121 less than in July. ko
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