Regions Submitted 67 Projects for Secondary School Network Optimising

21. septembra 2024 17:23
Bratislava, September 21 (TASR) - All the eight regions have responded to a call announced by the Education Ministry in June and presented their plan for optimising their secondary school networks, TASR has learnt from the ministry's communication department. Regions submitted 67 optimisation projects in total, eight measures that were implemented as of September 1, and another 14 potential optimisation solutions. "The result is 67 optimisation projects and 89 optimisation changes in total. These will chiefly concern Kosice, Presov, Banska Bystrica and Zilina regions," said the ministry. It views the projects for optimising their secondary school network, prepared by regional authorities, as the most important part of the prepared change in the secondary school network. "Without them, all the intentions would only remain on paper," added Education Minister Tomas Drucker (Voice-SD). The result of the optimisation will be secondary schools with high-quality management that will become stronger partners for firms and universities and will prepare students for universities or the labour market better, said Drucker. The basis for modern schools should be their response to new challenges and offering of development opportunities in the field of informal and lifelong education. The optimisation of the secondary school network is a part of the package of school laws that Drucker called "a velvet revolution in education". The project is a part of the Government Manifesto. Experts will assess submitted projects in October and elaborate recommendations that will be discussed with respective school founders. ko/mcs/mf
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