Blanar Leaves for New York, Slated to Take Part in UN General Assembly

22. septembra 2024 17:24
Bratislava, September 22 (TASR) - Chief of Slovak diplomacy Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD) has left for New York on Sunday, where, similarly as President Peter Pellegrini, he's slated to attend a session of the UN General Assembly, TASR learnt from the Foreign and European Affairs Ministry's press department on the same day. Aside from the UN General Assembly programme, Blanar's itinerary in the United States also features a meeting of the Friends of Western Balkans on Monday (September 23), aimed to support the European integration; a meeting of G7+ foreign ministers on the support of Ukraine's energy sector; an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers; a meeting with representatives of American Jewish organisations and a working lunch of the Informal Gathering of World Economic Leaders (IGWEL). "In addition, the minister is scheduled to hold several bilateral talks with his counterparts from Indonesia, Jordan, Cuba, Lebanon and Uzbekistan, as well as with representatives of countries, where the Slovak foreign ministry has been opening new representative offices, such as Algeria and Philippines," stated the press department. On Tuesday (September 24), the minister will take part in the Slovak Pro Summit 2024, a platform with a mind towards bolstering cooperation between experts of the two countries, and will end the day with Transatlantic Dinner hosted by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Wednesday (September 25) programme will continue with the meeting of G20 foreign ministers, a visit to a Slovak school and church in New York, with the minister scheduled to deliver a speech at an event promoting the compliance with international humanitarian law in armed conflicts. On Thursday (September 26), he'll take part in a session of the Group of Friends of Mediation as well as talks between the EU and CELAC. mf
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