Monitor: Danko Wants to Revisit Consolidation Measures

22. septembra 2024 20:30
(TA3, 'V politike', September 22) Speaking on TA3's discussion programme 'V politike' (In Politics), SNS chair Andrej Danko declared that he yet wishes to discuss and revise the proposed consolidation package of measures, particularly regarding the VAT tax on accommodation, cultural and sports events but also the cost of yearly motorway stickers. "I'll fight for this, but not in such a way so as to make Robert Fico (Smer-SD) fall, that's not worth it," underlined Danko. "For me, it's always the lesser evil to endure being in this Government than to let Progressive Slovakia do what [head of caretaker government Ludovit] Odor was doing to this state for a year," claimed Danko. The SNS leader expects to see more austerity measures applied to Government and repeatedly lambasted Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova (Voice-SD) in this regard. "Simply put, what we've got here is unsystemic work and it must be said that the biggest black hole where money goes to disappear is the health sector," he said and took potshots also at Economy Minister Denisa Sakova (Voice-SD) who in his view has failed to handle the energy aid and Labour Minister Erik Tomas (Voice-SD) for being headstrong enough to push through the 13th pensions and the scrapping of parental bonuses. MP Tomas Valasek (Progressive Slovakia), also on the show, agreed with the criticism. "I don't think I'd be able to slam the misgovernance of minister Dolinkova better than the coalition House Vice-chair (Danko), so thank you for that and I'm joining your arguments. And perhaps I might add, if I'm not mistaken, that the proposal to oust minister Dolinkova is still live in Parliament, so there's also a chance to actually do something about it," he claimed. Danko responded that SNS won't support the motion. "We can't dismiss Dolinkova based on your motion, but believe me when I say that the political pressure is there. And I'm still expecting the new leader of Voice-SD to address this." Valasek noted that the proposed consolidation measures will eat about €1,000 out of family budgets on average yearly. He emphasized that the need to consolidate public finances is not solely the result of the governance by the previous cabinet but rather all former cabinets, particularly those in which current coalition parties were members. mf
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