Szalay: SNS Can Join Opposition During Vote of No-confidence in Dolinkova

23. septembra 2024 13:12
Bratislava, September 23 (TASR) - The coalition Slovak National Party (SNS) can join the opposition during the no-confidence motion in Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova that is on the agenda of the ongoing parliamentary session, MP Tomas Szalay (Freedom and Solidarity/SaS) told a news conference on Monday. Szalay reacted to SNS leader Andrej Danko, who again criticised Dolinkova in a political talk show broadcast by news-only TA3 TV on Sunday (September 22). According to Szalay, there are at least five reasons to dismiss the minister. He mentioned the chaos at Trencin hospital, the condition of state-run health-insurer VsZP, the failures concerning the recovery plan, the poor accessibility of the outpatient sector and the lack of calls. "An amount of €280 million will go for consolidating public finances from the health-care sector. Coincidentally, this sum matches the annual cost of running the Sport Ministry," stated the MP. At the same time, he criticised Dolinkova for not standing up for her ministry when the consolidation proposal was drafted. "She should have fought for it like a lioness," stated Szalay, adding that the minister doesn't enjoy trust of workers in the health-care sector. Danko repeatedly criticised minister Dolinkova on Sunday. "Simply put, what we've got here is non-systemic work, and it must be said that the biggest black hole in which money disappears is the health-care sector," he said. However, SNS won't back the proposal for her dismissal in Parliament, he added. Danko claims that there's a political pressure for Dolinkova's dismissal, and he expects Voice-SD leader Matus Sutaj Estok to resolve it. ko/df
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