Ivancin: Adoption of Global Digital Compact Significant Step Forward

23. septembra 2024 14:01
Bratislava, September 23 (TASR) - The adoption of the Global Digital Compact (GDC) at a Summit for the Future held on the sidelines of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly is a significant step forward and will ensure that technologies will serve mankind as a positive tool, said Investment, Regional Development and Informatisation Ministry (MIRRI) State Secretary Ivan Ivancin, who attended the event. "With this agreement, we know where we stand globally today in key digital areas, including the management and administration of artificial intelligence (AI). The UN and its agencies will play an important coordinating role, while building on the work and knowledge of other organisations, such as the OECD, within which Slovakia is currently engaged in expert-level activities in the field of AI management and administration," said Ivancin. According to the ministry, the GDC includes commitments and activities aimed at meeting sustainable development goals. Specifically, these goals are in the areas of support for global connectivity, the protection of human rights in the digital space, support for digital skills, support for digital infrastructure and digital public goods, data protection while supporting safe cross-border data flows, internet management, combating disinformation and AI management. ko/df
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