KDH and PS Accept Fico's Invitation to Talks on Consolidation, SaS Rejects It

23. septembra 2024 17:26
Bratislava, September 23 (TASR) - The opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) party and Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) have accepted Premier Robert Fico's (Smer-SD) invitation to talks on consolidation of public finances, while the Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party has rejected it, TASR learnt from the parties on Monday. PS leader Michal Simecka noted in this vein that Fico had months to prepare a meaningful consolidation. "He botched it as he dealt only with revenge and his own benefits. Now the coalition parties are in dispute over the expensive consolidation package proposed by Fico and he's trying to cover it up with talks with opposition parties at the Government Office. If he thinks that this negotiation will help him to cover up probably the biggest tax increase in our history, he is very mistaken," said Simecka. According to SaS, Fico is fully responsible for planned increases in taxes and expected increases in prices in Slovakia. "We reject this alibistic meeting with the prime minister after the government approved consolidation measures and made decisions on billions of euros in spending without the opposition, be it ministers' salaries or the creation of a new ministry. On behalf of SaS, I can declare that we will not take part in such a hypocritical meeting," said SaS head Branislav Groehling. Meanwhile, For the People leader Veronika Remisova commented on the fact that Fico didn't invite the parliamentary coalition consisting of the Slovakia party, For the People and the Chrisitan Union to the meeting, opining that Fico was afraid to do so. "He knows that we would immediately demand, as part of consolidation measures, that he, as prime minister, scrap his lifelong pension and protection and that ministers reduce their salaries," Remisova added. zel/mcs
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