SaS: Premier's Invitation to Opposition to Discuss Consolidation Just Sham

24. septembra 2024 11:29
Bratislava, September 24 (TASR) - The opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party held a news conference on Tuesday to state that it views Premier Robert Fico's (Smer-SD) invitation to the opposition to discuss the consolidation of public finances to be a sham and hypocritical. SaS doesn't want to hold discussions with Fico behind closed doors. It will present its objections to the consolidation package publicly in Parliament. The party stressed that the package has already been approved by the government and should be dealt with via fast-track legislative proceedings. According to SaS, Fico must take full responsibility for the decaying state and higher taxes. "We have nothing to discuss with the premier. Consolidation measures were passed by the government back last week. According to the information available to us, we'll discuss them in Parliament this week or next Tuesday (October 1). We're ready to hold a discussion there," said party leader Branislav Groehling. He recalled the fact that Fico refused to speak to the opposition when submitting an amendment to the Penal Code, when scrapping the Special Prosecutor's Office and when increasing the salaries of cabinet members. Groehling stressed that the government discussed its proposals [regarding the consolidation package] with nobody. "They're really starting to feel the public mood up close," he said, adding that the consolidation package is in the hands of Parliament now. SaS only demands from the coalition a proper debate in Parliament, at normal times, with the opposition being given space as well. MP Marian Viskupic (SaS) sees one of the biggest mistakes of the consolidation package in the fact that it creates no impetuses for private or foreign investments. It also gives extremely little time for its implementation, he said, adding that the government has no ambition to cut costs, such as on civil servants. ko/df
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