Premier: Opposition Has No Idea Where to Obtain €2.7 billion via Consolidation

24. septembra 2024 14:07
Bratislava, September 24 (TASR) - Opposition and government representatives have only agreed on the fact that financial consolidation is necessary, but they have different views on how to save, with the opposition not knowing where it would obtain the necessary €2.7 billion, Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD) told a news conference following his meeting with opposition representatives on Tuesday. "The fact that the gentlemen came confirms that they are aware that consolidation is a must. Mr. Simecka [Progressive Slovakia/PS] even said that he's aware of the condition in which we found public finances in 2023. What we are doing today is the homework left to us by the previous government," stated the premier. "The second conclusion that emerges from this meeting is that there are different views on how to put this €2.7 billion together. Okay - if the gentlemen in the opposition want to see the salaries of MPs and cabinet members frozen, we are ready to do it," said Fico, adding that it would resolve absolutely nothing, however, as it would bring a mere €2 million into the state budget. Fico also criticised other measures proposed by the opposition, such as 20-percent cost savings at the ministries, or reducing staff numbers at offices. "We can save perhaps €100 million in total via a radical reduction of employees in this state," said the premier, adding that a tax on financial transactions is definitely essential, as it will bring €600 million into the state budget. "They have absolutely no idea where they would obtain €2.7 billion. So, the only concrete measure I can announce today is that they are demanding that the salaries of MPs and cabinet members should be frozen, which I agree with. I have absolutely no problem with that," said Fico. ko/df
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