Health Committee Didn't Deal with Dolinkova's Dismissal, Wasn't Quorate

24. septembra 2024 15:01
Bratislava, September 24 (TASR) - The parliamentary health committee didn't deal with a proposal to dismiss Zuzana Dolinkova (Voice-SD) from the health minister post on Tuesday, as not enough MPs attended the session to make the committee quorate. Dolinkova's dismissal was initiated by opposition MPs, who criticised the fact that the proposal wasn't discussed on Tuesday. MP Tomas Szalay (SaS) called it 'a prolongation of suffering'. "I understand that the minister and the coalition MPs didn't appear because they are trying to delay the time when she will have to leave the post," he stated. The opposition filed a motion to dismiss Dolinkova on September 11. It criticised her for the condition of Trencin hospital, managerial failures in projects financed from the recovery plan and the negative performance of state-run health-insurer VsZP. Dolinkova has rejected the criticism and the reasons for her dismissal. She's ready to defend herself in Parliament, which is due to deal with her ouster at the end of the ongoing session. ko/df
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