Voice-SD Asks Prime Minister to Convene Coalition Session Without Delay

24. septembra 2024 17:58
Bratislava, September 24 (TASR) - Junior coalition party Voice-SD is requesting from Prime Minister Robert Fico a meeting of coalition leaders to resolve problems brewing within the coalition without delay, Voice-SD leader Matus Sutaj Estok declared after a session of the party leadership on Tuesday. Sutaj Estok reiterated his criticism of statements made by coalition SNS chair Andrej Danko against several government ministers of Voice-SD and underlined that attempts to destabilise the coalition won't help Danko become the House chair. "I'd like to call on the Prime Minister to convene a session of coalition leaders at the earliest convenience, so that we can resolve all the issues and problems that have been snowballing within the coalition for some time. It's necessary to resolve this as soon as possible, by the end of this year at the latest. And in case the meeting won't be successful, I'd like to ask Andrej Danko publicly like this: what use is a coalition, in which elementary agreements are not respected? What use is a coalition that cannot promote legislation aimed first and foremost at helping the people living in Slovakia?" asked Sutaj Estok. mf/mcs
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