EU Foreign Ministers Discuss Situation in Ukraine in New York

24. septembra 2024 20:54
New York/Bratislava, September 24 (TASR) - An informal meeting of EU foreign ministers on the situation in Ukraine and the Middle East was held in New York, on the sidelines of a session of the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, with Slovakia represented by its chief of diplomacy Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD), TASR learnt from the ministry's press department on the same day. During the meeting, Blanar voiced his appreciation for the recent visit of new Ukrainian foreign minister Andriy Sybiha to Bratislava and outlined to his European partners the plans for a joint session of Slovak and Ukrainian governments in early October. In addition, he informed them about supplies of humanitarian aid that Slovakia will provide to Ukraine over the winter. According to Blanar, Slovakia supports the organisation of the second peace summit on Ukraine, but it must be attended by "all sides to the conflict". "It's necessary to use diplomacy and stop the senseless killing, which is why we must underline the peace effort," he accentuated. On Monday, Blanar also met with representatives of American Jewish organisations and selected leaders at a work lunch of the World Economic Forum. mf/mcs
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