Stohlova Wants to Convene Extraordinary Session of Environmental Committee Again

24. septembra 2024 21:03
Bratislava, September 24 (TASR) - Opposition lawmakers want to initiate again the convening of an extraordinary session of the House Agriculture and Environmental Committee to discuss the anti-flood protection of western Slovakia and the damming of the Danube's old river bed, with Committee vice-chair Tamara Stohlova (PS) blaming the coalition for the fact that the Committee was not quorate on Tuesday. "On Tuesday, the coalition didn't open the extraordinary session of the Environmental Committee, despite the fact that it set up the date itself in the first place. At the time when people are still reeling from destructive floods, they prevented us from discussing the anti-flooding protection of western Slovakia. In addition, in recent weeks Environment Minister Tomas Taraba has been tacitly working on a project of damming the old river bed of the Danube, Insula Magna, a project which poses a danger to Slovak interests and public security," stated Stohlova. Environment Ministry's state secretary Gabriela Matecna came to the session to stand in for Tomas Taraba. "However, she provided no answers to our questions whatsoever, which only worked to confirm our concerns that the minister has been holding talks on the project alone and in secret," claimed Stohlova, adding that the opposition proposed to reschedule the session to a different date over the minister's hospitalisation, but this was ignored. Because of the outcome, the opposition plans to initiate the convening of the session again. mf/mcs
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