Parliament Rejects Resolution on Kotlar's Statement on COVID-19 Pandemic

25. septembra 2024 14:18
Bratislava, September 25 (TASR) - Parliament on Wednesday rejected a resolution, submitted by opposition MPs Tomas Szalay and Jana Bitto Ciganikova (both SaS), that would have expressed regret at a claim by Government Proxy for Investigating COVID-19 Pandemic Management Peter Kotlar that there was no COVID pandemic in Slovakia in terms of incidence and other measurable parameters. "We find such statements to be absolutely false, in conflict with scientific findings and disrespectful towards the afflicted, especially the relatives and loved ones of the COVID-19 pandemic victims, who, according to the available data, reached 21,221 in Slovakia alone and more than 6.7 million globally, but also towards medical personnel, volunteers and everyone who helped Slovakia to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic," stated the submitters. The resolution was supposed to have Parliament voice regret at Kotlar's claim, reject his conclusions about the absence of any pandemic and again thank health-care personnel and volunteers for their work during the pandemic. In addition, the resolution urged the government to oust Kotlar from his post. mf/df
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