Blanar Addresses UN Security Council, Urges Peace for Ukraine

25. septembra 2024 15:16
Bratislava/New York, September 25 (TASR-correspondent) - Foreign and European Affairs Minister Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD) delivered a speech before the UN Security Council on Wednesday and urged global powers to seek a peaceful solution to the war in Ukraine, TASR learnt from its special correspondent in New York on the same day. Blanar was enabled to deliver a speech by Slovenia, which, as a presiding state of the Security Council, urged Ukraine's neighbours to speak their minds on the ongoing conflict. In the beginning, Blanar underlined that Slovakia supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders. "The borders must be respected and cannot be changed by force," he claimed, pointing out that Slovakia has not recognised the unilateral declaration of independence by Kosovo and likewise doesn't recognise Russian annexation of Crimea and four other eastern Ukrainian regions. Blanar added that not even two and half years since the war in Ukraine erupted has any great power come up with any peacemaking commitment. The polarisation of the UN Security Council has grown and its peacekeeping role is impugned. "Slovakia calls on all sides involved to put away their differences and instead focus on putting a stop to the suffering and destruction of Ukraine," said Blanar. According to the Slovak foreign minister, there's no alternative to dialogue, as it has turned out that no military solution exists to the war in Ukraine. "Conflicts in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip have adverse consequences for global energy and food security as well as supply chains," he warned, adding that peace in Ukraine cannot be achieved in any way other than by respecting the UN Charter. The future of Ukraine, in Blanar's view, is in the EU. He also informed members of the UN Security Council about a planned joint session of the Slovak and Ukrainian Governments, and Slovakia's readiness to supply electricity, gas and diesel to Ukraine even in the upcoming winter. "First and foremost, we take the people into account," he explained. mf/mcs
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