House Defence and Security Committee Addresses Reorganisation of Police

25. septembra 2024 15:28
Bratislava, September 25 (TASR) - The parliamentary defence and security committee on Wednesday discussed the opposition's reservations towards the recent reorganisation of the police, with Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) MP Andrea Turcanova claiming that there's evidence of the law being breached when it came to transferring officers of the now scrapped National Crime Agency. According to the opposition, the police and the Interior Ministry broke the law by not discussing these personnel transfers with the police labour unions beforehand. The communication regarding the transfers with the police officers concerned wasn't in line with the law, either, opposition representatives said. Interior Ministry State Secretary Lucia Kurilovska said at the session that the reorganisation was lawful, claiming that the Interior Ministry discussed the changes with labour unions in advance. According to her, this was confirmed by a recent court decision. zel/mcs
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