'Slovakia' Party Criticises Dolinkova for National Hospital Project

včera 12:54
Bratislava, September 27 (TASR) - The opposition 'Slovakia' party on Friday criticised Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova (Voice-SD) in connection with the project for a new national hospital in the Bratislava borough of Ruzinov, drawing attention to the public tender for a feasibility study for the construction work. Former head of the Health Ministry and MP Marek Krajci ('Slovakia', 'For the People', 'Christian Union' caucus) further stated at a press conference that the tender was allegedly won by a company associated with the person whose name is mentioned in the Gorilla case file. "We're really going back to the time of the Gorilla gangsters who allowed themselves to be corrupted, according to what this file tells us, and such people are now appearing to prepare feasibility analyses for us," he noted. Krajci again criticised the minister for changing the location of the new national hospital in Bratislava, pointing out that the original project involving a health-care facility in the Razsochy area of Bratislava was at a advanced stage of preparation. "At this time, when we're holding a tender to find a company to carry out the feasibility study for the Ruzinov hospital, the company that would have built Razsochy could have already undergone a tender," he noted. am/df
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