Fico Meets GRECO Representatives to Discuss Corruption (2)

včera 20:18
Bratislava, September 27 (TASR) - Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) met with representatives of the Council of Europe's Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO) to inform its representatives about the climate in which Slovak society has found itself since 2018, TASR learnt from the Government's Office press department on Friday. Fico told GRECO representatives that the criminal law had been misused under the previous government against its political opponents, the election of the Special Prosecutor had been politicised and public resources squandered during the COVID-19 pandemic, which is already the subject of investigation by the Supreme Audit Authority and the law enforcement. "The incumbent government has included in its Manifesto the agenda of the fight against corruption and submitted measurable steps, which it plans to meet. At the same time, however, it warned GRECO representatives that it's necessary to come to terms with the past practices when under the veneer of the fight against corruption serious disruptions to personal freedom, personal security, health and lives had been carried out by then-wielders of public power," stated the Government Office. The government takes recommendations by GRECO seriously and with respect, but it also takes into account the Slovak law, the Constitution and legislative trends in the European law. On Friday, GRECO called on the Slovak Republic to fully implement its recommendations in the sphere of corruption prevention and the bolstering of integrity among the police and law enforcement. According to GRECO, Slovakia should pass a code of conduct for top state officials, introduce an appropriate monitoring and enforcement mechanism, and expand the system of property declarations for top officials and police officers. mf/mcs
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