PS MP Plavakova Suing SNS MP Rudolf Huliak

dnes 15:38
Bratislava, September 30 (TASR) - Progressive Slovakia (PS) MP Lucia Plavakova announced on Monday that she's set to file a personality protection lawsuit against Slovak National Party (SNS) MP Rudolf Huliak for his recent expressive remarks concerning her. At the same time, Plavakova will file a motion with the Constitutional Court to defend herself against what she called discriminatory bullying in the House chamber. In addition, the MP will hand over to the police a list of all threats and hate attacks against herself and her daughter that have been triggered by Huliak's incitement of hatred. Plavakova claimed that she'll demand an apology and compensation for non-pecuniary damage from the SNS MP. According to her, she was repeatedly bullied by House Vice-chairs Andrej Danko (SNS) and Tibor Gaspar (Smer-SD) in the House chamber because of stickers on her laptop. The MP claimed that she was repeatedly prevented from delivering a speech during a debate in Parliament, which she considers to be a violation of her rights in the exercise of her mandate as an MP. This is why she'll file a motion with the Constitutional Court. Last but not least, Plavakova will also file a disciplinary motion against Huliak in Parliament. Last week, Huliak called Plavakova a b*tch during a press conference at which House Vice-chair Danko defended his decision to expel her from the House chamber because of stickers on her laptop. zel/mcs
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