SaS: Introduction of Transaction Tax Extremely Bad Measure for Economy

dnes 15:02
Bratislava, October 1 (TASR) - The draft consolidation package has been changed significantly, with only a few changes improving anything, opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) MP Marian Viskupic told a news conference held jointly with party leader Branislav Groehling on Tuesday, calling the introduction of a transaction tax an extremely bad measure for the economy, as it will hit small entrepreneurs in particular. "What has remained in the package has zero recovery and growth potential and means minimum cost savings on the part of the state. High inflation potential and an inhibiting effect on economic growth also have been left in there," stated Viskupic, criticising the introduction of a transaction tax that will have a negative impact on the competitiveness of small firms. Viskupic pointed out that the bill will also affect payments from foreign accounts linked to doing business in Slovakia. However, firms will seek ways to avoid this tax abroad, and money won't be deposited in Slovak banks. "This tax doesn't exist anywhere in the eurozone or in the EU apart from in Hungary," noted Viskupic. "People are living in uncertainty, as they have absolutely no idea what and how things will change; not even companies, entrepreneurs, the public sector, simply nobody [knows anything]. The coalition comes up with changes every day. There's a risk that the consolidation will make an even bigger hole in the budget in the end and that absolutely everyone will pay for it," added Groehling. ko/df
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