SAV: Virologists Concerned About Claims Floated by Gov't Proxy Kotlar

dnes 16:58
Bratislava, October 3 (TASR) - Scientists from the Institute of Virology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences' (SAV) Biomedical Centre are concerned about Wednesday's (October 2) statements made by Government Proxy for Investigation of the COVID-19 Pandemic Management Peter Kotlar and urged the government to approach his report with extreme caution, TASR learnt from SAV's website on Thursday. "As scientists who have been longstanding researchers of viruses, we're deeply troubled by claims that Proxy Kotlar was presenting to the public. The presented opinions impugn facts that have been verified and accepted by the global expert community and responsible authorities, and serve to sow uncertainty among the lay public," reads the text. The scientists urged the government to treat Kotlar's report on the COVID-19 pandemic with extreme caution and refrain from making mistakes that would put Slovakia on the fringe of the civilised world. The government has already received the report on the pandemic from Proxy Peter Kotlar. On Wednesday, Kotlar reiterated that the pandemic was "an act of bioterrorism" and a "fabricated operation codenamed COVID-19 pandemic". According to the Government Proxy, the aim of the operation was to "jeopardise human health" and "test the naivete of the global population to follow orders subliminally". He advocates an immediate stop in the use of mRNA vaccines until their efficiency and safety is proven and called for the rejection of updated WHO health regulations. The opposition excoriated Kotlar for disseminating hoaxes and disinformation. mf/mcs
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