SUMMARY - Thursday, October 3, 2024 - 5 p.m.

3. októbra 2024 17:00
Bratislava, October 3 (TASR) - The entire political spectrum agreed that consolidation was essential, and there's a need to stress this, as it is the opposition that is fully responsible for the condition of public finances, Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD) told a news conference held jointly with leaders of the other coalition parties on Thursday. Bratislava, October 3 (TASR) - The government will compensate for high energy prices for households next year as well, with a relatively large sum, Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) said at a press conference on Thursday dedicated to the approval of the consolidation package. Bratislava, October 3 (TASR) - Speaking at a press conference on Thursday, Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) announced financial aid for local and regional authorities and added that he plans to convene a meeting between chairs of coalition parties and the leadership of the Slovak Towns and Villages Association (ZMOS). Bratislava, October 3 (TASR) - If the war in Ukraine ends during the mandate of my government, I will do my utmost to restore standard and economic ties with Russia, Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) declared on Thursday with respect to the upcoming session of Slovak and Ukrainian governments. Bratislava, October 3 (TASR) - The approval of the consolidation measures may mean the beginning of the fall of Robert Fico's government, as a chaotic and thoughtless package will be reflected in all prices and will have a negative impact on the Slovak economy, said opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) party leader Michal Simecka on Thursday. Bratislava, October 3 (TASR) - The government is unable to cut its large budgets in ministries and is unable to be thrifty on itself, the opposition Christian Democrats (KDH) stated on Thursday, adding that it has put all the consolidation on the shoulders of the people and entrepreneurs. Bratislava, October 3 (TASR) - The opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party has called on President Peter Pellegrini to stand by his pre-election promises and veto the consolidation package, SaS chairman Branislav Groehling said following the approval of the consolidation measures in Parliament, adding that they're considering filing a motion to the Constitutional Court. Bratislava, October 3 (TASR) - The Health Ministry issued a call for projects to support the network of home caretakers again, with applicants free to submit their applications by the end of the year or until the allocation is spent, TASR learnt from the ministry press department on Thursday. Brussels, October 3 (TASR-correspondent) - The European Parliament on Thursday published a post-election Eurobarometer survey aimed at people's voting behaviour in the recent EP elections and their priorities, TASR has learnt from its Brussels correspondent. Notice: If you click on the link or copy it into the search window, the browser will display the full text of the message in the new e-TASR client zone. If you have any questions, please contact am
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