Voice-SD Understands and Respects Dolinkova's Decision to Step Down

4. októbra 2024 13:35
Bratislava, October 4 (TASR) - The coalition Voice-SD party understands and respects the decision of its nominee, Zuzana Dolinkova, to resign from the post of health minister, TASR learnt from Voice-SD party's press department on Friday. Voice-SD believes that Dolinkova was disappointed by the passing of consolidation measures that prevented her from carrying out her plans in their entirety. "Voice-SD fully supports Zuzana Dolinkova and appreciates the sacrifices that she made in her work as health minister. Under her 11-month tenure, she fully engaged in developing the health-care sector and was tackling problems inherited from the governments of [Igor] Matovic, [Eduard] Heger and [Ludovit] Odor. She came to the ministry at a time of chaos and pandemonium - a state that was the outcome of three and half years of irresponsible policies and the mishandling of the fight against the pandemic, which led to thousands of needless victims," claimed the party. Voice-SD praised Dolinkova's work. "Despite these landmines laid in her path, the minister started development projects, such as the construction of new hospitals and support for Slovak doctors and health-care personnel. Her work brought tangible results - bolstering the construction of hospitals in Martin and Banska Bystrica, streamlining the process of approving new drugs for patients and increasing the number of Slovak medics in faculties," reads the text. mf/df
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