KDH: Battery Plant in Surany May Threaten Business and Environment in Slovakia

včera 15:37
Bratislava, October 5 (TASR) - The construction of a Chinese battery plant in Surany (Nitra region) by Gotion InoBat Batteries may threaten the automotive industry in Slovakia, the opposition Christian Democrats (KDH) stated on Friday (October 4), adding that the land on which the new factory is to be built is also among the most fertile in our country. Among other things, the domestic industry could be threatened by the potential export of manufactured batteries across national borders instead of using them within our economy. The party also pointed to the division of ownership in the project, with Slovak capital to make up 20 percent and the remaining 80 percent to be owned by the Chinese owner. Opposition representatives also question the total amount of state support for the construction of the factory. "As you know, China has huge resources to penetrate the European market and we're contributing huge amounts of money from our leaky budget. Over €200 million today. And this is at a time when we're consolidating the public finances and collecting euro after euro from ordinary people, so such a generous investment, such a generous support is okay?" asked KDH MP Jozef Hajko, also querying about whether the government had offered domestic entrepreneurs the opportunity to get involved in the area. am/mcs
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