Opposition Blasts President for his Refusal to Accept Dolinkova's Resignation

dnes 21:02
Bratislava, October 8 (TASR) - Opposition's SaS, Progressive Slovakia (PS) and 'Slovakia' parties took potshots at President Peter Pellegrini over his decision not to accept the resignation from Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova (Voice-SD) on Tuesday. "I view Tuesday's decision by the President not to oust minister Dolinkova and wait instead for the name of her replacement as a wrong decision. The minister should have been long gone. This only works to prolong the agony, in which the Slovak health sector finds itself," claimed MP Tomas Szalay (SaS) at a press conference. Szalay believes that Dolinkova won't make any game-changing decisions at this point. "In addition, it's utterly clear that she has support neither from the sector nor health personnel," he said and called on Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) to propose the name of a replacement minister at his earliest convenience, ideally by Wednesday (October 9). Furthermore, SaS reiterated its call on Pellegrini to veto the consolidation bill. "We disagree with the consolidation at the expense of the health sector." This view was echoed by PS. "Due to moves made by the government, hospital departments and outpatient departments are collapsing even as we speak. And now Fico's government pushed through the so-called consolidation that will deliver the coup-de-grace to the health sector and cause health personnel to leave en masse," warned House Health Committee Vice-chair Oskar Dvorak (PS). He urged the government of Robert Fico (Smer-SD) to make the health sector its priority at last and give it the attention from the Prime Minister that it deserves. "Because of this, I'm calling on you, Mr. Prime Minister: announce the name of the new minister and start finally dealing with the health sector too," he underlined. Criticism over Pellegrini's rejection of Dolinkova's resignation was voiced also by 'Slovakia' party. "The President is prolonging the floundering of Dolinkova as well as the suffering of patients and health personnel," claimed ex-health minister and MP Marek Krajci. He warned that as long as Dolinkova remains at the helm of the Health Ministry, with whom the health personnel don't even wish to talk, public access to timely and efficient health care is in jeopardy. mf/mcs
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