Politicians Condemn Hatred on Occasion of Second Anniversary of Zamocka Attack

dnes 17:12
Bratislava, October 12 (TASR) - Politicians across the political spectrum condemned hatred and violence in society to mark the second anniversary of the shooting on Zamocka Street in Bratislava, which claimed lives of two people. According to them, everyone should feel safe in Slovakia, regardless of differences. "Two years ago, hatred was killing on Zamocka Street. Let's not let it happen again," said opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) leader Michal Simecka. He noted that Slovakia is commemorating two young men who became victims of the attack. "Because of them, we must do our best for all people to feel respected and safe in Slovakia, regardless of their identity or whom they love," stressed Simecka. Opposition Freedom and Slovakia (SaS) leader Branislav Groehling stated that even today, politicians continue to spread the same hatred as the one that led to "the heartless murder" two years ago. "We are all in the same boat here. We all, regardless of our skin colour, religion or orientation, deserve to live a peaceful life, without being the target of hatred and verbal or physical attacks. We all want to live in peace, prosperity and leave a better country than the one we inherited to the next generations. However, we'll never achieve that through hatred and conflict. We can achieve it only through understanding and cooperation," Groehling has posted on a social network. Education Minister Tomas Drucker (Voice-SD) also condemned the violence and hatred. "Murders, terrorism, holocaust or war - violence will never be the solution. Together with hatred, they must have no place in our society. Let's honor the memory of the victims of hate," he's posted on a social network. ko
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