SAV Scientists Develop Faithful Elastic Model of DNA Molecule

dnes 19:38
Bratislava, October 12 (TASR) - Scientists from the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV) have developed a three-dimensional elastic model of a DNA molecule, which could be an important aid in elucidating relations between the structure, mechanical properties and biological functions of the molecule. "The model could serve as a great teaching tool for schools. It can be picked up and explored, it is fun and interactive, but it can also be a tool for scientists when researching DNA and creating computer models," said Dusan Racko from the SAV Institute of Polymers, inviting potential partners to engage in cooperation and licensing in order to jointly contribute towards bringing the elastic model to practical life. SAV spokeswoman Monika Tinakova noted that it was difficult to find a three-dimensional model that could be handled and faithfully show the structural and mechanical properties of DNA. "There are various demonstrators, molecular building blocks and 3D printed models, but they often incorrectly show DNA as left-rotating when it is in fact right-rotating. Furthermore, they don't faithfully depict the alternation of the major and minor groove, the right number of bases, or they depict only one half-turn of the DNA double helix instead of the entire turn," explained Racko. The new elastic DNA model doesn't have the aforementioned disadvantages and can be used to demonstrate various spatial and mechanical properties of the DNA molecule. SAV has filed a Slovak priority patent application for the model. zel/df/ko
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