PS Calls on Transport Minister to Reverse Scrapping of IC Trains

16. októbra 2024 14:15
Kosice, October 16 (TASR) - The opposition Progressive Slovakia (PS) party has criticised the proposed scrapping of IC trains and calls on Transport Minister Jozef Raz (a Smer-SD nominee) to reverse this move. "In the coming days, we will launch a petition calling for the preservation of these trains and especially for the preservation of a fast, efficient and sustainable connection between Kosice and Bratislava," PS caucus head Martin Dubeci told a news conference in Kosice on Wednesday. According to him, the parliamentary public administration and regional development committee will deal with the issue as well. Dubeci pointed to the fact that the time of the fastest train connection time between the two largest cities in Slovakia should be extended. "We will travel from Bratislava to Kosice 45 minutes longer thanks to Robert Fico's government. High-quality and fast connection between Kosice and the Slovak capital is crucial for the development of this region. The fact that it takes a long time to get to Kosice is often the reason for not travelling to Kosice, not organising an event here or developing activities here at all," he said. According to Dubeci, there're no good alternatives for the train connection at present. He also pointed to the still unfinished highway between the east and west of Slovakia. Only a few rich people will be able to enjoy the promised air connection between Kosice and Bratislava. "Moreover, the air connection should be subsidised with €1 million annually. At the same time, they want to scrap IC trains, as they are allegedly expensive," he added. The party wants to meet ZSSK railway passenger carrier general director Peter Helexa over the issue as well. MPs Richard Dubovicky and Zuzana Mesterova said that the scrapping of IC trains will make it difficult to travel for work, health-care or services for people in other towns and districts in eastern Slovakia, too. ko/mcs
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